This week’s Feature Friday indie author spotlight goes to … Megan Mosier! We have a totally unique one this week, one you’re sure to have never seen before. It features llamas (very intelligent ones) and alien abductions. So, if you’re in the mood for zapping aliens with lasers alongside clever talking llamas, visit  Amazon to check it out and read more about the author and series below!

First off, introduce yourself and tell us a bit about you and your books!

Hi! I’m Megan Mosier and I wrote H.I.LL. Farm. I’ve been writing since middle school, but this is the first project I’ve published, and I’m looking forward to publishing more. Most of my projects are science fantasy and tend to center around friendship, family, and tensions between large animals and human populations. I’m a biology lab instructor, a character artist, and a former horticulturist, and use these experiences to inspire my stories.

Who or what inspired you to start writing?

H.I.LL. Farm is one of my stories where I had the title first. Occasionally, I like making up movie and book titles to exist in the world of my main project I’m working on, and this was one of them. I created a poster for it that ended up being my jumping-off point for creating the cover. The concept has been in my mind since 2017, but I didn’t decide to start working on it until January of 2023, when I needed a small break from my main project.

The inspiration for the laser tag arcade in H.I.LL. Farm actually came from an art prompt for a deviantArt group. The prompt said that we had to draw our characters actively participating in their favorite sport, so I designed a laser tag arcade with an alien theme, and then put my character playing laser tag with the thirty other participants’ characters. It was a big drawing and took three or four sheets of paper.

Tell us about your favorite quote or scene in the book and why? (No spoilers!)

Hands down the dissection scene. I really got into writing that one and the following scene. Without getting into too much detail, Gretchen gets to show off her smarts and then I get to describe the aliens’ inner workings and their behavior. I also really, really enjoyed my alpha readers’ reactions to it.

Quick! Dinosaurs have found a portal through time and have come back to destroy humanity. Which of your characters are you picking to help defend you and why?

Neel. Neel could totally take on a time traveling dinosaur.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to look up in the name of book research?

For this book, I had to look up images of llamas standing on their hind legs and whether or not they have a tapetum lucidum (the tissue at the back of some vertebrate eyes that reflects light). They don’t.

What do you hope readers will take away from your stories?

For this one, I hope they get a good laugh and feel like they’ve made friends with the characters by the end. I thoroughly enjoyed writing it.

If you could be one of your characters for a day, who would it be and why?

I would want to be Annabelle from a series that I’ve been developing for the past decade. Annabelle can sword fight, speak dragon language, always keeps reptiles and amphibians in her bedroom, and has a big, loving family.

Though… I do play her uncle in Dungeons and Dragons, and he’s so fun, it’s ridiculous. I won’t spoil anything about him.

Where can readers find you?

You can most easily find me on Instagram: @dogwood_dragon

I also keep a blog:

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